C / C++ / C# Project

Design and create a game program. The game must be interactive (i.e. use mouse, keyboard, or other events) and non-trivial.

You will be graded on a combination of

a/ how well the game works -

b/ level of complication - Score-keeping, collision detection, the level of animation, the number of objects or figures on the screen, use of random numbers, cheat detection, user-friendliness and practically anything else that you've studied at Wyomissing can help this part of your grade.

c/ originality - If you submit an applet that looks suspiciously close to an online example or something an experienced game programmer might have created, you will be questioned. If you rework a classic game such as Tic Tac Toe make sure that you've added something interesting and novel. You will lose points if a significant portion of your code is similar to a class example, another present or former student's applet, or an example from the Web or a textbook. You must document the code segments that you used from any sources other than Mr. Minich's demos by typing the exact web page URL address into your source code. You may use techniques illustrated in such examples but the combination of techniques must be original. You must be able to explain every line of code in your program. The instructor's decision is final, so consult him with questions and/or ideas if you want to be sure that he considers your code to be original.

d/ algorithm efficiency - Loops and if statements should be logically sound and efficient.

e/ Coding Standards - Above all, make sure that add enough internal documentation so the instructor can understand how your program works.

f/ classroom productivity - You will lose points if you are not productive on the days that class time is used to work on this assignment. The instructor has sole discretion in this judgement.

Name yourproject JohnDoeCGame2010Pong (substitute your name for "JohnDoe" and a word that reflects the title or purpose of the game for "Pong") in the root of your network folder.


You must hand in the following on separate pages stapled in this specified order:

    1. The source code for your program.
    2. The printscreen of game as it is executing.